Redesign of a website & online shop is a process we perform for existing websites of our clients.

If the website is not created by us, do not worry. We will offer you an individual offer tailored to your project, goals and desires.

"Redesign" is creating a new vision. We perform this process through the following stages: 

1. Preliminary meeting, where you give us the current web site and you share what your wishes, visions and goals are.

2. Правим кратко проучване и оценка на сайта. Важно е да знаете, че ако при направената изработка на уеб сайт е взето решение той да бъде статичен, а не динамичен, изграден на базата на CMS система, то опциите за редизайн са ограничени. 

3. We announce redesign opportunities and prepare an individual offer.

4. След одобряване на офертата и преди започване на работа събираме малко повече информация от Вас, задавайки допълнителни въпроси, сред който са : 

What are you trying to achieve? 

What do you want us to do to achieve the desired result? 

What new do you want to add and what old do you want to remove? 

How long do you want to be fulfilled? 

5. Comparative analysis

We investigate who your competitors are.

We compare what they have achieved in the web, what are their strengths and weaknesses, and we advise you where to focus your attention.

6. Sketching the new web design. 

We create a visualization with basic modules, we discuss their location with you, we prepare a navigation menu scheme.

7. Final specifications.

Important! The client must provide all necessary materials for filling in the website - logos, graphics and text.

Of course, in case you do not have the necessary elements in the appropriate format, we can create them for you. 

Предлагаме изработка на всички необходими за уеб сайта елементи – фирмено лого, хедър, банери, продуктов каталог, портфолио етц.

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